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I plan to write a custom security provider for SAP.

My questions are: 

  • Is there any guidance on this topic?
  • Is this supported (IHostableSecurityProvider not being mentioned in the SDK docs)
  • Is it allowed to partially implement a security provider (throwing NotSupportedException's in selected methods). This is similar to ASP.NET Membership providers, where functionality is gradually reduced when this is done.
Thx, Eric


I think a good starting place on how to implement a custom security provider in K2 is here:

The code for this blog entry is located here:


Thx Bob,

I have read the article.

The provider in the arcticle implements all members of the security provider's interface(s). I was wondering what happens when some of the implementations trhow a NotSupportedException. Also, if there are any gotcha's implemeneting a provider for SAP, I'd like to know.


Thx again,


