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I have a task for a user and I want to send a custom notification  that will contain a link to my infopath form , the ID of the process, the name of the originator, etc. I tried to add an Email Event before my task is created but obviously this is wrong since my task is not even been created, also I tried adding  my mail event after the task but also this is wrong since the email won't be sent until the task is completed.

I read about customizing the notifications file on SourceCode.EventBus.ClientRecorder.DLL.mailTemplate but i want to take advantage of my smart objects and it seems like its not possible to do it here, also I have a lot of different tasks that will need to contain different body in the notifications. What is the best way to do this?? 

Any suggestions?

Thank you


I'm not sure I'm 100% clear on the issue you are facing.  Placing a Mail Event anywhere above a client event in the same activity and specifying 'Destination User' (if using Plan Per Destination in the Destination Rule) is exactly how you send custom notification to destination users.  If you aren't using Plan Per Destination, then you can specify a data field in the 'To' field as well.  The Process Instance ID is located on the last tab down in the Object Browser under Process Instance ID.  The Originator's 'name' field is also available in that section (but note that this returns the user's logon ID so you typically have to combine that with a SmartObject call to Active Directory to get the user's Display Name). 

Perhaps you could provide more information about the configuration of your Mail Event and how you configured the Destination Rule for that Activity, but you are definitely on the right track.


Correction.  I just realized this was posted in the blackpoint forum (I just clicked a link on the home page of this site).  You won't have a SmartObject to communicate with Active Directory, so for retrieving user information (such as Display Name, etc.) from AD, you'll need to use web services.  The remainder of your questions are valid for Blackpearl however.  Also, you might want to check out the following link which disects the Mail Event and sending custom notifications:

How To Create InfoPath Task URL:


This helps thank you. I was getting confused but this makes sense.

