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Hi All


I'm after some advice on customizing CSS in SmartForms

have tried to find the releant CSS classes but had no luck.

1.  File Attachment control - by default there is a background watermark on this control showing 'click here to attach a file' which is a very light grey.  We have some users who cant read this so I'd like to change the colour and also if possible the font size


2. our attachments are displayed in a list view and by default show in the K2 light green - can this CSS be changed as again we have some users who find it difficult to read.


have uploaded two images to show what I mean

Any help much appreciated




Greetings @psturmey,


I don't think it's possible to change these via out of the box Designer styling alone.  For that, I recommend trying one of the other themes (I assume you're using Platinum?), or if you're set on a theme, CSS can be changed by cloning and modifying an existing theme, or injecting styles into specific Forms/Views.  The latter is a simple way to test and can be done by adding a <style> tag to an expression on a Data Label set to Literal. 


Inspecting the "Click here to attach a file" text element reveals that it inherits color from the 'file-watermark' class.




You can overwrite the color:


.file-watermark {
color: red !important;






Same thing for the attachment links, though I would target the classes 'hyperlink static' instead.




.hyperlink.static {
color: red !important;



Hope this helps,

