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CRM Smart Object Service Instance not retrieving all entities


The CRM Smart object service instance is able to retrieve some of the entities but not all.


A coldfix was provided


Hi ,


We are also facing same issue , few CRM entity not exposing all the method , could you please let me know who has provided the coldfix ?

I mean k2 team or Microsoft team has provided the coldfix ?

we also recieved the hot ix from k2 end to avoid this issue .

Issue  - 

CRM broker was limited to only discovering the first 5000 entities being returned by CRM XRM service, they made an enhancement to use paging to go and retrieve all the entities from the CRM site.


So this will not only apply to entity but all of them. Regarding applying it to all there environments, it would be best, the enhancement was added to the 4.7 release, so if they are planning on upgrading to 4.7 then they can choose to hold off applying the fix if they want unless they experience the same issues,

but the safe bet will be just to apply it and have working as it would in 4.7.
