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You running K2 4.6.8.




An event in the workflow (K2 Studio) that generates a PDF from a URL which worked fine previously started throwing the following error message:




ID4243: Could not create a SecurityToken. A token was not found in the token cache and no cookie was found in the context.




Restart of K2 service resolves this issue but permanent solution to this is required.










Token expiration settings by default configured to be 8 hours and most of the time are not causing issues (if they do you can just increase them).




In case you are running K2 4.6.8 it may be necessary to apply coldfix (internal ID 500454) which implements more efficient method of handling token session expiration due to machine hibernation (Server Error, Specified argument was out of range of valid values, Parameter name: validTo).


Please also note that you may experience similar symptoms in 4.6.9 where solution will be different. Most of these token related issue are resolved in K2 4.6.11 onwards.








Contact K2 support to obtain codefix for this issue (internal ID 500454).



It would be helpful to indicate which BP version this issue applies to.

@PYao I've updated KB to include affected version details. In case you experience similar symptoms in K2 4.6.9 please also have a look at this community KB: Error ID4243 Could not create a SecurityToken
