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Hi, I want to create Task Item URL in my workflow, I am using a Client Event Item Event to assign a task to users of my workflow.

Please refer attached screenshot for clarity.







That would noramally be the link to your form.So you would put in the smarforms runtime url from the environment library (this should be built in) followed by the form name followed by the serial number. As you can see, append serialnumber checkbox already builds the serial number for you. The serial number is basically, the processinstanceid + _ + activitiy destination Id. eg 34543_34. This is what you would use on your form to open the worklist.


So in the end it would look something like http://servername/form/runtime/runtime/formname/?SN=34345_33.


Hope that helps a little.



Hi, Thank you for your response, I tried the way you explained but dont know where did I make error and unfortunately unable to create Task Item URL for users to take action on items. My workflow is 4 steps approver workflow and each step I want to create Task Item form with Approve and Reject buttons along with additional comments field so that if item is rejected then comments can be added. Below is the approch I followed-

SmartForm Runtime SSL/Form/FormName/?&      and Append serial number to URL checkbox is checked.


Any help will be highly appreciated.





Hi RamKumar,


I think your "&" is out of place.  Also, make sure you're not inserting a / after the form's name. is your end goal.


If you have a form parameter to pass on top:

“<Smart Form Environment Field for Root>/Forms/<Form Name>?<SN>={SerNum}&<FormParamName>=Value&}&<FormParamName>=Value&_state=<FormState>”
