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Today, all workflows going to the Create PDF step in a workflow are going into Error. No new versions have been published. Here is the entry in the host server log:

"Error","General","28083","ExtenderExecuteError","ProcessInstance.HandleException","28083 ServerEvent: Message: Failed to convert HTML to PDF. ServiceName: PDFConverterService ServiceGuid: 99ae73bf-b5df-44dd-932e-615bb343585b InnerExceptionMessage:
Message: Failed to convert URL to PDF. ServiceName: PDFConverterService ServiceGuid: 99ae73bf-b5df-44dd-932e-615bb343585b InnerExceptionMessage:
Message: Could not get image from url. Could not get image from url. The URL is not accessible. Status code 0x191.The requested resource requires user authentication. ServiceName: PDFConverterS


Checked the Pdf Converter Service Instance settings in the SMO Tester Utility, tested fine. Then located an article titled "Error handling, logging and new rendering configuration settings for the PDF Converter Service", which appeared to address the issue.


Per this article (, the PDF Converter Service Instance was modified to select useWebkit=true and serializedResources=false. Customer was then able to refresh some active workflows in Workspace and they completed okay.

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