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Hi all

When I use the [Create item in another list] workflow action, in order to copying an list item from one list (LIST A) to another list on another subsite (LIST B); the items fields derived from a look-up column on my source (LIST A) copy over into (LIST 😎 with "number;#" in front of my desired field data.

E.g say I intend to create a new list item in LIST B from LIST A as follows:

Note: [Text] = Single line of text or Multiple lines of text

Column Type, Column name, Data
Lookup [Text], Product Code, PRD-224
Lookup [Text], Product Name and Code, PRD-224 (Box of cool stuff -RED)
Lookup [Text], Colour, Red
[Text], Description, "Simple but stylish box of cool stuff, items inside are red".


Column Type,Column name, Data
[Text], Product Code, 32;#PRD-224
[Text], Product Name and Code, 32;#PRD-224 [Box of cool stuff -RED]
[Text], Colour, 14;#Red
[Text], Description, "Simple but stylish box of cool stuff, items inside are red".

Columns "Product Code", "Product Name and Code" and "Colour" on LIST A are lookup columns to another list (Product Catalogue list); after the workflow is run on a item on LIST A the result is these columns (and others) are created in LIST B with a "number;#" in front of the data.... I.e. in my example "14;#".

How can I stop this from happening?

I hope I have explained clearly?

I can't replicate.

Can you screenshot your action configuration?

Use the inline fuction parselookup(), which will extract only the display value of a list lookup.
