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Hi evryone,

I have used this code:

NWF$(document).on('keypress', function (e) {
        var length = NWF$(this).text().length;
        if (length >= notesMaxLength) {
            NWF$counter.text(notesMaxLength + '/' + notesMaxLength);
            NWF$(this).val(NWF$(this).val().substring(0, notesMaxLength));
        } else {
            NWF$counter.text(length + '/' + notesMaxLength);


In order to limit the chars of textarea to be 1500 chars, but it not works sad.png

What could be the problem?

you capture keypress event and then calculate text().length on a document level, not for specific textbox

Did You see  

The problem was with the defintion of this rextarea to be "richtext"
