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I have a people picker control on a SmartForm that alows the user to select multiple values from AD. The workflow behind this form emails each of these AD people. 


I would like to know how many people were selected by the people picker.

Any ideas how I can achieve this?



Hi Craig,


The values are saved by using a semicolon separated list.

From K2 smartforms there is no simple way to split and count them, but in a workflow you can use the Split and Count inline functions to get the number.

You can then save this to a DataField and then based on that use it.


You mentioned that you need the workflow to send an email to each.

I'd suggest using the Split inline function in the "Plan per Slot - No Destination" destination rule so that an instance is created for each user.

You can then get to the user that was selected by making use of the ActivityDestination Instance Data field.


During runtime it will split the users and create an instance of the activity for each.

You can find more help in the documentation about plan per slot.


Hope this helps!



Thanks, I'm sure that will work. 

i have same requirement. Can you please share how you made this possible?
