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I have a K2 project that was developed in VS2005, with some custom dlls that are referenced. Everything builds file on ly local, and deployment to the server succeeds.

 If I go to the K2 workspace on the server, and start the workflow, it generates the following error:
Could not load file or assembly 'Context-99402e69887b46019d9efa8f34484c66, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

 The context-... has something to do with the ExtenderProject, but I have no clue on how to get fix this issue.

 Thank you in advance.


Could you post what version/build of K2 you are using?

 You could be facing one of two possible issues:

  • Context-* isn't actually building
  • Context-* is using a new GUID in its name and namespace that the rest of the project isn't aware of

I used to run into this problem almost constantly during a build. Typically what I had to do was show all of the extender projects, de-select the Context-* project for the build, build everything else, and then rebuild with it selected so that it would build successfully - this was due to an error regardingi something to do with metadata files. But sometimes it turned out that the GUID had changed and the rest of the project wasn't aware of it; in that case, I went through each file in the Context project and commented out the Context-* namespace declarations in everything.

I'm sure that this is a dirty hack and that the K2 team has a more elegant solution for this, but I hope my experiences give you at least a starting point towards a solution...

Hope this helps!


Hi Lucas.

Thanks for the info, I am going to test it now!

K2 Blackpearl Server 4.7285.1.0 is what seems to be the flavor that is running on our dev server.

Thanks again for the help.

