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Hello everyone,

today I upgraded Nintex Workflows 2013 from version to International on our servers. The installation process finished without error messages. Most workflows run as before. But we have two workflows which have a "Wait for 1 minute" item as first workflow action. After that minute is over, the workflow fails and the following exception is written into SharePoint-Log:

03/10/2016 16:50:50.34     OWSTIMER.EXE (0x3050)             0x1F30    SharePoint Foundation   Legacy Workflow Infrastructure    72fs    Unexpected    RunWorkflow: Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: <Error><CompilerError Line="126" Column="122" Text="Could not find property or event 'InternalCounter' on type 'Nintex.Workflow.Activities.ForEachLoopActivity'." /><CompilerError Line="150" Column="122" Text="Could not find property or event 'InternalCounter' on type 'Nintex.Workflow.Activities.ForEachLoopActivity'." /><CompilerError Line="182" Column="112" Text="Could not find property or event 'InternalCounter' on type 'Nintex.Workflow.Activities.ForEachLoopActivity'." /><CompilerError Line="239" Column="108" Text="Could not find property or event 'InternalCounter' on type 'Nintex.Workflow.Activities.ForEachLoopActivity'." /></Error>at Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPNoCodeXomlCompiler.LoadXomlAssembly(SPWorkflowAssociation association,...    5a36679d-f324-901c-ac01-c8b1fcf81412
03/10/2016 16:50:50.34*    OWSTIMER.EXE (0x3050)             0x1F30    SharePoint Foundation   Legacy Workflow Infrastructure    72fs    Unexpected    ... SPWeb web)at Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWinOeHostServices.LoadDeclarativeAssembly(SPWorkflowAssociation association, Boolean fallback)at Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWinOeHostServices.CreateInstance(SPWorkflow workflow)at Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWinOeEngine.RunWorkflow(SPWorkflowHostService host, SPWorkflow workflow, Collection`1 events, TimeSpan timeOut)at Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWorkflowManager.RunWorkflowElev(SPWorkflow workflow, Collection`1 events, SPWorkflowRunOptionsInternal runOptions)    5a36679d-f324-901c-ac01-c8b1fcf81412
03/10/2016 16:50:50.36     OWSTIMER.EXE (0x3050)             0x1F30    SharePoint Foundation   Legacy Workflow Infrastructure    98d8    Unexpected    Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: <Error><CompilerError Line="126" Column="122" Text="Could not find property or event 'InternalCounter' on type 'Nintex.Workflow.Activities.ForEachLoopActivity'." /><CompilerError Line="150" Column="122" Text="Could not find property or event 'InternalCounter' on type 'Nintex.Workflow.Activities.ForEachLoopActivity'." /><CompilerError Line="182" Column="112" Text="Could not find property or event 'InternalCounter' on type 'Nintex.Workflow.Activities.ForEachLoopActivity'." /><CompilerError Line="239" Column="108" Text="Could not find property or event 'InternalCounter' on type 'Nintex.Workflow.Activities.ForEachLoopActivity'." /></Error>at Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPNoCodeXomlCompiler.LoadXomlAssembly(SPWorkflowAssociation association, SPWeb web)  ...    5a36679d-f324-901c-ac01-c8b1fcf81412

03/10/2016 16:50:50.36*    OWSTIMER.EXE


0x1F30    SharePoint Foundation   Legacy Workflow Infrastructure    98d8    Unexpected    ...   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWinOeHostServices.LoadDeclarativeAssembly(SPWorkflowAssociation association, Boolean fallback)at Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWinOeHostServices.CreateInstance(SPWorkflow workflow)at Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWinOeEngine.RunWorkflow(SPWorkflowHostService host, SPWorkflow workflow, Collection`1 events, TimeSpan timeOut)at Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWorkflowManager.RunWorkflowElev(SPWorkflow workflow, Collection`1 events, SPWorkflowRunOptionsInternal runOptions)    5a36679d-f324-901c-ac01-c8b1fcf81412

And even though the workflow is cancelled, it sends me info mails that the workflow errored frequently until I delete the listitem.

Does this happen to somebody else? Is there a known solution to this problem?

Greetings from Nuremberg, Germany


Hi Ricky Mattischeck

can you please confirm if you updated the DB under the Databasesetup section in Central Admin for Nintex workflow management. Do you have an "Update link" for the DB?

Thanks, Majid

Hi Majid,

yes, I can confirm that I've updated the DB in Central Admin by clicking the link in Nintex workflow manegement section. The error message still came after.

But the next day, everything worked as it should, the error did no longer occur. Maybe a service that needed also to be restarted has autorestarted over night.

Thank you and Greetings


Thanks Ricky for the update,

glad to hear that it all working for you happy.png

That sound like a SPTimer service restart.
Can you please mark this as answered?

Thanks, Majid
