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I have a classic form that has 39 choice fields called roadmap elements - each selection shows a panel.

ie. 1.0 Project Details shows Panel 1.0 Project Details


the rule used to show/hide

not(inArray(Roadmap Element 2,"12.2 Project-Specific Progress Reporting Plan"))

the rules work for all - except when you get to the last 3 selections in the list - when select they do not show on the form.  No errors the panel just doesn't show.


The form itself has 76 rules so I don't believe im over the rule count.


Do any one have any idea why this happens?  is there a better way to show/hide because that all my rules on my form is just show/hides


Are you able to provide an export of the form for my testing?

the message board doesn't allow for an export file type. I would love some help on this its driving me nuts as everything appears correct

Zip the file and then attach it.
