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The User filters (or Runtime Filters) for List Views (see here).  However, it seems that this needs to be setup for EACH user.

Lets face it, most users really just want this setup for them ahead of time and then they can just pick from a list of "supplied" filters.


The really nice part about these filters is that they can be done AFTER the form is complete and published.  Thus, it doesn't take a compete revision of the form to add a simple and quick filter.  This certainly isn't a best practice everywhere, but this could save some time creating rules for forms that just need some simple filters.


I haven't seen any supported way to do this centrally.

These values are stored as XML in the Form.UserSettings table with the ContextID of the form under the Name of "RuntimeFilter".  This however is specific to each user's ProfileID.  Again, this means that they cannot be shared or centrally setup.

Naturally I can just copy a chosen record to each users' profile ID and that would do it.


Has anyone else run into this question?  Any opinions if we should be doing this?  Any other solutions?

Hi Nathan,


Did you found a solution to create diferent selectable filters for users?



Maybe I am not understanding the question but we do somethign similar with a list of reviewers.



Create a list in SQL or Sharepoint, smart box wherever. Make sure tyou have at least two collumns

1) USer ID (value to filter with per user)

2) Values 1 (what ever the values you want to store per user)


In this case the user could create their own values but you could build a view where the select from pre-defined values.


when the form opens pass the user ID as a parameter and pass the pramter to the intialize rule for the drop down. You can create an button to call the view for the user to add or edit their filter list.


The original post was more than a year ago but I swa the query from last week so I thought I might off this. I hope this helps.

We never did find a satisfactory way to use the OOTB Filtering.  It is technically possible to copy the filter records from the Database to other users (as in my original post), but it wasn't really supported and required additionall maintenance proceedures (when users are added, etc.).  So we abandoned the effort.


On other screens we do things like MickiC's response, but goal was not to create something when there is a perfectly good solution already baked into the product.  Plus, you have to create from scratch on every new ListView.  Fine for once or twice, but we have 40+ listviews and we just are not going to do that for every one of them.

