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I created a workflow to copy documents from one site collection to another with Copy to SharePoint. It works for me but not for regular end users. Do I have to enter or change permissions somewhere?
Thank you in advanced!


One thing to check is to ensure that your users have at minimal  "contribute" permissions in the destination site collection and on the list/library the workflow is copying to. 

If that is the case, you may try and put the actions for copy into an action set and run as workflow owner.  This would give them the ability to run the workflow themselves but the copy would work with your permission level.  I would try the above step first since it doesn't involve elevated privileges.

hi Eric,

they do have contribute permissions. here is the workflow. what should I do differently?


I noticed that you were using a reusable workflow.  Is there a particular reason why you aren't using a workflow that is associated with the starting library?

there are 6 document libraries that are using this so I created a reusable workflow. what do you recommend?

Not sure if the fact that its a site workflow is conflicting the permissions issues.

Are you batch processing the moves or just doing this when an item is created or some criteria is met? If the document is to be copied when a certain criteria is met, run a library based workflow.  Let me know if that errors out.  It should work with no problem.

I crated a reusable workflow to place it at the site level (based on content type then added a workflow in workflow settings (workflow association to the content type). Thing is, it works for me but not other users.

and yes, the document is copied if document status is "Final" and published "Yes"

I think this may have to be run as a workflow owner so it has all of the appropriate permissions.

how do I do that?

Double click the first action. Click on 'Common'. The last option is a checkbox for 'Run as workflow owner'.

To do that you could add an "Action Set" right above the Copy to SharePoint action.  Then place the Copy action within the action set. Next double click on the action set to configure it, and click on Common in the ribbon for the action set.  You will see the "Run as workflow owner" as the last option.

You only need this for the copy action to authorize the workflow to run with your permissions to make that move.  See screenshot.



I had the same issue a couple of weeks ago.  In the "Copy to SharePoint" I entered my credentials in the "Credential Override".  What is the difference between the way i did it and the way it was done in the "Action Set". 

From what I know the credential override is for that specific action only and works to override the credentials if you needed to do such for the copy function.  The action set allows you to encompass more than one action and run those actions as the workflow owner.

Thanks for the clarification!  This is a great tip!

thanks to everyone for your help. I am running into the issue that upload a document is not working (in the ribbon). I want to add a pause only to the add to SharePoint item but not the delete. How can I do that?

I'm not following your question.   You said that the upload document is not working.  Can you explain that?

Also, why are you wanting a pause? 

Hi Eric,

we had to add a pause since the workflow was kicking off before the document was actually saved in the library. Once we added the pause, all documents are being copied over to the new location.

I do have a question. I want to also add the if a doc is deleted from the source library also delete it from the destination. Any tips on what to use for this?

Erik, I think that the "Aciton set" feature has changed in 2013.  I don't see the "Run as workflow owner" option.  ActionSet.jpg

Unfortunately the action set has to be on root level to get the option to run as workflow owner...




Can you explain how I can set up the WF at the Root level?

The 'action set' item itself has to be at the root workflow level (not nested into another container) to get the option to start it as wf owner.

Maybe using copy.asmx webservice instead of 'copy to SP' can be a workaround...

good lock!



Add the "Action Set" at the top of the workflow as the first action, then group all the other actions within that.  This should help you achieve what you are wanting.
