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Copy/paste works on List View rows in IE9, but not IE11 on 4.6.9.


4.6.9 was the first K2 version to officially support IE11. Due to differences introduced with new browser standards, the existing copy/paste functionality does not work in newer browser versions, including IE11 , Chrome, and Firefox.


Copy/Paste functionality for IE11 and other modern browsers is slated to return in 4.7.0


This is not working in 4.7 on IE11.

Has a resolution ever been identified for this?  We just upgraded to 4.7 and we are finding that our users are having the same issue (in both IE11 & Chrome) when trying to copy one field in the list view.  They are able to click a row and use Ctrl C to copy the whole row but that is not how it used to function in 4.6.11.


