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i have tried to use the copy to file share action to copy a folder with items from a docbib to a file share but it doesnt work.

it works only with a single documents in a docbib and not with folders.

do i something wrong? is there another way i can do that?



No you didn't do anything wrong. It seems that the SharePoint copy web service will only copy files. There are a few examples to moving just files, but you already have that working. I didn't see anything to do folders using REST or other means either.

See another example

Re: Copy documents from Document Set to Folder

[Site Url]/_api/web/folders/GetByUrl('DocSetA')/Files/getbyurl('doc1.docx')/copyTo(strNewUrl='[siteurl]/DocSetB/folderB/doc2.docx',bOverWrite=true)


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