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I am using the Muhimbi SmartObject to convert document to PDF. This event is not working in K2 Studio workflow. Although it is working in Tester Utility and in my Development machine.


Customer has multiple projects that use K2 Studio for the workflow with Sharepoint 2013 Integration Event and one Smart Object event on the Muhimbi Smart Object Pdf Converter (third party software), and the projects do not use Smartforms.
Projects package in Dev (using PandD tool) with dependencies and no issues. They deploy fine in Test with no issues noted by PandD.
Upon running the workflow(s) in Test environment, however, the new pdf converted documents load back into the library in the original environment (Dev).


We went into K2 Workspace in the Test Environment and downloaded a local copy of the workflow from Versions in the Management Console. Opened that workflow from K2 Studio in Test environment. Then opened the Sharepoint Integration event and pointed it to the new Sharepoint environment. Then opened the Muhimbi SmartObject pdf converter event and noticed that the context browser was pointing to the Dev environment and not to the Test environment. Changed it to point to Test environment then deployed the workflow - tested fine.

The issue then became why does PandD not deploy the project fully into the new environment - why is it necessary to manipulate the K2 Studio workflow's Sharepoint Integration Event and the Smart Object event to the target environment?

Turns out PandD is unable to include Sharepoint integrated events from workflows developed in K2 Studio and in K2 for Visual Studio. Since the customer's project(s) include a K2 Studio workflow with a Sharepoint Integration event in it, this exactly explains why he was having to redo the K2 Studio workflow connections in the target environment.

Here is the documentation that explains:|_____1

If you scroll down to the section titled "Artifacts not Included", you will find the following statement:
"The following K2 Studio/K2 Designer for Visual Studio Workflow events cannot be deployed with a Package and Deployment package at this time:
SharePoint Workflow-integrated events.
Forms Generation Client events.
InfoPath Integration events.
InfoPath Client events.

Resolution: Ticket was mapped to an existing Feature Request to allow PandD to include Sharepoint integration events in K2 Studio workflows.

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