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Within my Workflow, I utilize a Query List action to get a set of records to obtain the values for a 'total' field and put them into a collection. Then use a For Each action.  The values are a string in currency format; ie:  $32,000.00.  I need to convert it to a number so that I can perform a calculation.

When I utilize the Convert Value action within the For Each action, I get an error: 

Value '$32,000.00' is not compatible with the selected output variable type Number (double).


I want to convert it to a number and keep adding it for each item within the collection to get the grand total.


Can someone offer some assistance?

Hi Kathy,

Your string contains currency symbol , so conversion is not possible using Convert Value action.

Workaround for this is to remove $ symbol from string using Remove Function,



and then perform Math Operations.

When I tried this, I got an error:

Error Text:  Value 'fn-Remove($32,000.00,0,1)' is not compatible with the selected output

variable type Number (double).

So it seems, because my string is in currency format that I must remove both the "$" and any ","?

In for each , store currency data in variable of Number type.  and then perform Math calculation.

If I store the results on the For Each action to a number variable, then I get an error even though the original column type is 'currency'.  The For Each action only works if store the results to a string/text variable.

Hi Kathy,

1.  Query List result should be stored in variable of type  Collection.

2. For each collection variable and store currency column in variable of type Number.

Hello Rohan,


1. Query List results are stored in a Collection type variable

2. For Each Action has the Target Collection as the Collection type variable above


If I "Store result in" a Number type variable - then it errors.

If I change the "Store result in" to a Text type variable - then it works but then I have the whole conversion issue to worry about.

This is something strange. You need to contact Nintex Support team.

One more try,

Store Currency column value in variable of type text

Do not convert string to value , directly pass text variable in Math Operation action and check.

It is strange.  I originally thought that there may be a restriction in the For Each action to only handle text variables.

When I store the Currency column value in a text variable, the For Each action works.  But.... when I try to convert the string to a number value, I cannot because the format of the string has "$" and commas which cause parameter issues:  Results in error:

Value '$32,000.00' is not compatible with the selected output variable type Number (double).

Hi Kathy , have you tried this workaround,

Store Currency column value in variable of type text

Do not convert string to value , directly pass text variable in Math Operation action and check

Yes, that did not work.

I still do not know exactly why I cannot utilize a number variable within the For Each action.


I hadn't thought of doing that.  I bet that would have worked though!  I should go back an try that. I just may if/when I get some more 'time' back that I lost in this process.


I ended up using the text variable within the For Each action.  Then I used the Regular Expression action to replace Pattern "$," with blank replacement text and stored that in the text variable.  After I removed the  $ and , I used the Convert Value action to convert the text variable to a number variable.  It converts fine when the special characters have been removed.  From there, I was able to perform all my math operations.

Frustrating but in the end it all works.

Thanks for all your support and ideas!! Greatly appreciated!



I still do not know exactly why I cannot utilize a number variable within the For Each action.

I ended up using the text variable within the For Each action.  Then I used the Regular Expression action to replace Pattern "$," with blank replacement text and stored that in the text variable.  After I removed the  $ and , I used the Convert Value action to convert the text variable to a number variable.  It converts fine when the special characters have been removed.  From there, I was able to perform all my math operations.

Frustrating but in the end it all works. 

Thanks for all your support and ideas!! Greatly appreciated!


Hi Rod,

I need your help

I am taking the currency value in text varialbe

Then I used the Regular Expression action to replace Pattern "$," with blank replacement text and stored that in the text variable

but the text variable still has '$' in it, please help


When you use set variable to store the Curreny field value into a Workflow variable (Type: Number) and then use that workflow variable in any calculation it will come as number with the special characters like dollar($) and comma(,).


