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I am working on a mileage reimbursement request which has a lot of rules and calculated values on controls within a repeating section. When I add rows, many of my fields are missing or moved... 

I have tried to rearrange my fields multiple times, I have also put my fields in panels, nothing I do seems to work.

Why are my fields missing/being moved??

in the form designer: 


First row in preview mode: 


Second row in preview mode:


Make sure that when you arrange controls it is placed in container control. When move the control over the container control, it changes the colour to Gray.

If it is still doing the same , delete  the repeat section control and start with a new one. It is better to name each control with a proper name.

Hi Leah,

      Please ensure the size of your Panel Control to be as big as possible , so as to accommodate all the controls including your repeating section control.


Bashya Rajan A

Seems to be causing issues no matter how big i make the panel! 

They are all for sure in the container. I will check to make sure they are all named and if that doesn't work I will try deleting and starting over... thanks! 

first of all I wouldn't rely on preview. it's just a preview, not everything needs to be rendered correctly.

publish the form and run it, that's only way to validate pplacement.

keep the general rule: always leave small space between single controls and/or panels.

Thanks, I have rearranged again and made sure there was space. I also published the form but it is still not working correctly. Fields are still missing and/or being moved. Grr. 

do you have there any rules, appearamce settings, CSS or javascript that hide something?

any errors on developer console?

on screenshots you provided, is first repeater line shown correctly acc, the design or is there anything missing or misplaced?

how does 3rd line loo like?

could you in designer click on repeating section and post screenshots? (I'd like to see which controls gets selected.

then if you could do the same panel by panel.

It appears that the repeating sections do not like hidden fields. I had some boxes that were hidden unless a specific value was selected in a drop down box. Once I just disabled those fields and removed them from being hidden, the repeating sections worked correctly. While this is a work around, it is frustrating because I would prefer to hide the fields and make the form seem less cluttered. 

have you hidden them with formatting rule or some other way?

try to put such controls into panel(s) (ideally if panel is spread across whole form width) and apply rules on panels.

The problem is that they are not spread across the whole form. I have two fields that are next to each other that need to become available only if the drop downs above them say "other".

yeah, that's unfortunatelly general annoyance, not only with repeating section.

sometimes it's possible to make it working with several (inherited) panels.

but in general it's better to design the form so that controls being hidden are rather one below the other.
