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In the K2 Designer you have the ability to add a content control to a View which can include links to other Views, Forms or sites. This documentation should help you in deciding whether or not content controls are useful in your application and provides information about this subject:




Content Control



I am using K2 version 4.6.9. I am trying to use a content display control. When I dragged and dropped the height is set to 375px by defauld. I have increased the height to 600px. But The web site i have embedded in the content is displayed only with in the 375px height. I tried by seeting content URL to different web sites. Whetever the height of the contriol I set, the web page is displayed only 375px height. Any issue with this control?




Hi Vasanth,


Try to set the width during form or view initialize. It works fine at initialization.

Let me know, in case the issue still persists.



