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New List items added to a SP List, that was generated from an appified SP List, show up in the source SP List:

- create a SP List template from an appified SP List - List AA
- create a new custom SP List from the saved template - List BB
- add a new list item to the newly created SP List - List BB
- the newly added item will appear in List AA


Despite the rather unexpected outcome above, this is actually expected behaviour and is by design.
We generally don't recommend creating List templates from an appified SP List. Reason being when you appify a SP List we hook into the list content type to connect K2 pages (New, display, Edit) forms. Creating a template of a List has the option to delete contents but no option to use the content type meaning the list template will have the K2 pages wired to the content.



Edit the new List created from the template in SharePoint Designer, browse to the Content Type and in the content type you'll see the K2 pages association, delete them and the New, Edit and Display forms will be the default. See video for reference:
Essentially, the Display, Edit, and New Form URLs will have the SmartForms URL of the source appified List set the respective URLs as blank by removing the associated SmartForms URLs

Avoid creating List templates of off already appified SP Lists.
And if you must, make sure to change the associated New, Edit and Display forms under 'FormSettings' to the default SP forms prior to creating the template. See:


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