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What considerations should be made when upgrading to a later version of Nintex for SharePoint?


Ensure the destination environment has the same content.

To prevent upgrade issues from third-party tools, read this first: Nintex Workflow Backup and Restore. Nintex requires that the destination environment contain the same content as the source environment: GUIDs, content types and directory structure. Third-party tools can change this content, causing issues during upgrade. 

Use the Database Attach method for migration.

The primary supported migration method for full content migration is the Database Attach method. For more information, see Nintex Workflow Backup and Restore. This method ensures migration of all content and ensures that running workflows continue. Any other method requires running workflows to cease during migration.

Migrate to the next immediate version before migrating to the desired version. 

Migrating directly from Nintex for SharePoint 2007 to Nintex for SharePoint 2013 or 2016 is not supported. It is necessary to migrate to each succeeding version individually. For example, migrate Nintex for SharePoint 2007 to 2010, and then to 2013, and then to 2016. For more information, see Upgrading Nintex Workflow from 2007 to 2013 and Nintex for SharePoint 2016 Upgrade Guide.

Upgrade to claims authentication (optional).

When upgrading to claims authentication with the upgrade to Nintex for SharePoint 2013 or 2016, be certain to perform an upgrade to claims and confirm functionality before proceeding to the rest of the migration. For more information, see Upgrade web applications to claims authentication. For SharePoint 2010, Microsoft recommends to convert SharePoint 2010 Products classic-mode web applications to claims-based authentication in SharePoint 2010 Products and then upgrade to SharePoint 2013.  Additional information can be found in the following Microsoft article: Migrate from classic-mode to claims-based authentication in SharePoint 2013.

Considering migration in stages.

To perform a migration in stages, see Splitting existing SharePoint and Nintex Content Databases.

Restart workflows containing actions that use credentials.

If upgrading to Nintex for SharePoint 2013 or 2016, it might be necessary to restart running workflows, such as workflows containing actions using credentials. Test old designs in the new version of Nintex for SharePoint prior to migration. 


Run NWAdmin commands using the command prompt.

NWAdmin commands must be run in the command prompt. NWAdmin comments are not PowerShell friendly. For more information about NWAdmin, see the NWAdmin Guide (2016 | 2013 (Attached below) | 2010). 

Nintex for SharePoint 2016

Nintex for SharePoint 2016 Upgrade Guide


Nintex Workflow for SharePoint (2007 /2010 /2013 /2016 /2019)

Migrating Nintex Workflow FAQs
Nintex Workflow Backup and Restore‌
Upgrading Nintex Workflow 2013‌
Upgrading Nintex Workflow 2016
Upgrading Nintex Workflow 2019
Migration Best Practices for SharePoint 2010 and 2013


Best practices for migrating SharePoint on-premise workflows in SharePoint 2013

Also see: 

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