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The Connection String Editor is not changing K2HostServer.exe.config.


I hit save,  and the connection string does not change within the config file. 


Am I misunderstanding how the Connection String Editor is supposed to work?

The connection string editor does not allow for the editing for the K2 connection string as that is an operation that if done wrong would also render the connection string tool useless. It is more a matter of self preservation and preventing harm than a limitation.


To change the connection string for the K2 databases, that is a manual operation that requires updating the K2HostServer.config file manually or re running the K2 configuration wizard.



Sorry,  just to clarify this is for smtp/email services.

When you run the tool, did you right click and run as administrator?

I did, otherwise the exe tends to crash as well if you don't.

The only way it seems to get the config file to update was to run a 'Repair' on the server installation.
