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I have a workflow with some information related to the current user.


I can’t get my head around the connection between two different IDs: I have a table Person with unique PersonID and Windows userID that the current user logged in.


How can I find out which items from another table - PersonItems (with PersonID in it) - belong to this current logged in user? How can I set up the connection between those two IDs?

Thank you.


What kind of table holds your PersonID/PersonItems? If you just want to be able to make associations between two tables/lists, you could create SmartObjects and define associations between them, or even create a composite SmartObject that would pull data from both places.


If you are trying to associate a Windows login with information from another data source, can you define a bit more about the scenario?



Hi Gail,

Thank you for your reply,


I've created two SmartObjects - Person and PersonItem and set up the association between them. Each user has their Windows logon details and their entities in the Person SmartObject, but I am just confused how I can create an association between their logon details and PersonID, so I will know e.g. this person PeronsNumOne with this logon details has personID=1 in the SmartObject.


My scenario is - users can see all their items that they have requested but no one's else, and if they want they can change them or delete them from the history.


I am sure it should be very simple, I guess I just overthink it.


Thank you.


Does the "PersonID" record contain the Windows username anywhere? Maybe you could then use the Active Directory Service 2, and create an association between the PersonID record and the AD user?


I think you are going to need to tie some kind of information in the Person table to either an AD smart object, or the UMUser SmartObject...




Thank you Gail,


Yes, I've figured it out the same thing as well, that I need to use Active Directory and tie it with the PersonID. I hope it will work
