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AppIt 1.5 with SharePoint Online Search REST service


I carried out the below steps as a test because i didn't have access to one of our Sharepoint online environments:

I have downloaded the swagger file on to my environment and uploaded the swagger file to a sharepoint document library i created, and through
the K2 Management site > Integration >Service instances > Add.

>>Added a new service instance and the service type "Rest"

>> ON the Descriptor location added the URL for the upload Swagger file on my document library ""

>> Got the attached error "Snap123618"

I followed some of the steps on this document as a guide to register the Rest service broker:

On the other hand i was able to register the swagger file when using a local Descriptor location "C:ProjectsSPORestSearch.json". I also spoke to several of our developers and CAM's and they also mentioned that this scenario seems to be untested for Sharepoint online.

The client applied the below workaround on the issue:

ON this path :C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlK2 smartforms SetupSharePoint OnlineK2 for SharePoint

on the AppManifest added the below:

After this the client went to the App Catalog and followed the steps below:

Goto Sharepoint central admin > Manage app catalog
>Make sure the web application is using the correct site collection. e.g Portal (On the right side of the page)
>Click the site URL (Https://
>Site Contents > Add new app > Add the K2 for SP app
>On the App catalog go to the K2 for Sharepoint App and run the Registration Wizard.
>After the registration is done, run the Manage App deployment
>When that is done run the Manage App activations
-On the activation textbox > add the site collection you want to activate e.g (
>After activating the site collection you can now use the app on your site collection.

After this the client went to the test tool and registered the swagger file using the REST service instance


Since this scenario was untested, we then logged a new feature request "Feature: Adding for SharePoint online on the AppManifest

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