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Confirmation of installation procedure


The following scenario occurs upon a multi Sharepoint Server farm running SP 2013 Enterprise.

The farm has been prepared for the installation of K2 but some questions must be answered before hand, these are the following:

- The dev environment was installed without using SPNs or Kerberos authentication. Is this correct for our environment. (Distributed K2 install (live only), Physical SQL cluster, Sharepoint Farm)

- The documentation on is confusing: The documentation for SharePoint here ( suggests that the k2 for sharepoint component must be installed on the sharepoint servers. Quote below.

"It is recommended to install all K2 components using either the K2 Service Account or the Central Administration Application Pool User. Log on to the server as the K2 Service Account or Central Administration Application Pool User before installing.
When using a SharePoint Farm environment, the K2 for SharePoint component must be installed on each SharePoint Server in the Farm."

Where this documentation:( suggets that nothing is installed on the SharePoint sever, just the app is placed in the app catalog.




Kerberos is not essential here but Pass Through Authentication must be set in place instead as a form of security.

K2 for Sharepoint does not have to be on all the servers upon the farm, just the K2 node would need to have this as well as the Central Admin server as stated below:

‘Run the installer on the Central Administration server first and then on all the web front ends in the SharePoint farm BEFORE starting the K2 for SharePoint Configuration Wizard on the Central Administration server.’

When using a SharePoint Farm environment, the K2 for SharePoint component must be installed on each SharePoint Server in the Farm."
Within the documentation what it is referring to is actually logging as the K2 Service account or Central Admin App pool user, this is actually the correct info as when you are installing K2 blackpearl initially you specify the K2 service account to have full rights to the server. If you are not logged in as the service account then you won’t be able to install K2 For Sharepoint correctly and will face further errors during the set up or after.

As you are installing K2 For Sharepoint on windows 2012, It is advised you check the following document here:

Furthermore you would have to run the K2 for Sharepoint set up on Central Admin along with the app deployment.

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