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Currently we have a requirement in smartform like highlight the control if value get changed on run time and disply it on form in other color or format . we are using conditional style option for this . we are storing the value in data field or data label then comparing this value on run time and writing condition rule on every control this causing issue in performace as stroing the value and comparing so Is there ay other way to achieve this functionality ?


Please let me know how can we achieve this without impacting performance ?



-Thanks .

Unfortunately, I dont think its possible as the conditional styles can only read data from the form or view controls. 

Can you give us a example of your scenerio so maybe we can find a good workaround.

Thanks for quick reply . My scenario is like , once we open a form then load data in control now i suppose change loaded value then I have to highlight any color and make it bold then show to user and in next activity same should disply to approver , it's kind of highlight the changed value .


How can i do  ?

Hi ,


Does anyone have any update on this ?
