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I used Conditional Styles in a control to show a red border, indicating that's a mandatory field.

If the control is empty then show a red border.


Thank you!



There is something missing that i don't understand , you say that its red because its mandatory .

but i don't see how its mandatory and the user must fill it , then on the other step it could be empty ? i mean if the user is forced to fill it , then the other read-only form should be with data not empty .


even tho , conditional style is a design time property not run time .

what you could do is 

 in read only form , hide and disable this drop down list and replace it with a data label only for viewing data since its  a read only view , or you could create another drop down list and use it for read only form .

also this is another thing to use , is you could use different views , no need to use the editable item view as read only , create one for editing and submmitting form and another one for displaying form 


Hope it helps


I have two drop-downs but only one of them needs to be filled. That's why I use an advanced condition rule and not a "if a form passes validation".

The red border is only for display, so that the user knows that the field is mandatory.


When the form is in read-only the user must only read the form and not edit it.  It's meant to be the track record of the task, since the users can finish a task or transfer to another user.


So, if someone sends me a task and then I transfer to another person I want still to be able to open that form to see the track record. But, of course, I will not be able to edit anymore since the task is not with me anymore. When the form is open I will still have that red border on the control as the control is, indeed, empty but not editable.


I can hide some fields but the goal is to show them.






Could you have some kind of a flag in your read-only mode ? 

like if you could have a flag = 0 if its editable and flag = 1 if its read only .

and in your conditional style , when u say the condition is if (textbox = empty) && flag = 0 then apply the conditional style and make border = red

in this way it will only become red border when its in editable form .


Hope it helps,


That helps!


Thank you!!
