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I am working on a voucher form/workflow application that, among other things, when submitted, creates a modified copy of itself as a template to be reused.  Since I haven't been able to figure out a way to do this with a single list I have created a second list as a temporary location.  The workflow looks like this:

Copy voucher to temporary location  using the Copy Item action  ->                                             

   Rename the voucher in the temporary location to "template"  using the Update Item action  -->     

       Copy the template back to the original list using the Copy Item action.

This works great except that I want the voucher workflow to start automatically when a new voucher is created.  Unfortunately, the workflow starts on BOTH the Voucher AND the Template list items.  I don't want it to start on the Template so I created a column isTemplate (=No for Voucher and =Yes for Template) and configured the workflow settings to start when an item is created only when isTemplate=No.  But this does not work and I wind up with the workflow started on the template as well.

Any ideas about how to accomplish what I'm looking to do without starting the workflow on the template?



It's odd that it's starting with that condition!

Are your templates / vouchers content types? Could you try saying "If content type = template", for example?

Or, could you say, "only run if template is NOT in the title"?

I am trying to think of other ways you could do the same thing using conditions, so we can check and see if there is some kind of issue with the condition in your workflow, or just that one particular workflow.

Are you able to give us a screenshot of your condition settings?

Would it be an option that you create a site workflow that handles the creation of your vouchers in the voucher list?

I think this would spare the need of a template.

Thank you for the reply.  I found out why this is happening. It turns out that I was only setting the conditional on creating the new item, while the option to start a workflow on editing an item was set to "Yes."  I forgot to mention above that after copying the template back to the original list I also updated some of its properties, and it is this that kicked off the workflow, not the creation part.  After setting another condition when editing the item, it works as expected. Dooh!

 I haven't played around much with site workflows yet. I'll have to look into this as an option. Thanks for the suggestion!
