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I have a dashboard tool that is a list view of our main IT services. Depending upon what the current status is, I have a column that displays Red, Yellow, or Green. 


Currently, I'm using a Label control and setting the background to the appropriate color using "Conditional Styling." This makes a square area that shows the status.


However, my customer would prefer I use icons or at least circles rather than a box/square. I cannot figure out a way to change the image control's source dynamically, based on the row's "Status" value. It appears that the image control's source is set once for the column and not available in the "set control properties" action.


My second thought was to create a "mask" image--a white square with a transparent circle cut in the middle--and then set the Image Control's background to the appropriate color so that it showed only through the transparency of the image. However, I do not see a way to set a background color for an image control. 


Can anyone push me toward another possible approach? This isn't an imperative need, but more a 'like to have' for my customer.



Hi Jeff,


Try to use expression on the column instead of conditional style and configure it as the following :




wish this helps

Thanks! This makes perfect sense. I'm going to give it a try tomorrow. I appreciate the quick reply!


