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Hello All!


I'm trying to create a list view within SmartForms, the user will be able to select a value from a DropDown which is driven from some AD groups.


What I want to do, is transfer the members of this group to a text box as I'll use this for the approval... My problem is, some groups will have more than one member, but when I transfer the values using the SmartObject method, it's only showing me the first user.


Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated!! I was thinking of maybe concatenating the results, but I can't do an inline function in the SmartObject method action within SmartForms.. So I'm a bit stuck!!


Kind Regards,


Hi Dayna,


Here is a way to achieve the desired outcome.


Firstly create a item view ( which is not linked to the SMO). Next add a Text Box and Picker Control to the View.

Then on the Picker control go to the Properties section in the context browser and click the data source tab.

Select the SMO created as the data source.

Next set the identifier to "Name".


Then go to the rules tab and the following rule:


Whe the view executes Initialize

The populate the Picker Control( list control) with data.


Then click on Configure and add a filter such as ID=Equals 1,ID=Equals 2, and so forth.

Then in the advanced option within the filter select "Or" not "And".

Lastly add a transfer data action and configure it to send data from the Picker Control to the Text Boc control.


So when you run the view, the names should appear in the Text Box control ( more than one) and should be able to select more than one name.


Let me know if this works.


Kind Regards,




Hi Dayna


Is there a specific reason why you would want to a dropdown?

A dropdown containing different users - by selecting one and transfering it to a text box, it will always just show one record as that is the way a dropdown is designed. you cannot transfer multiple values from a dropdown to a text box without losing the previously transfered data in the text box - in order to this you will have to find a way to tell either the dropdown or the text box to keep the select value and add the next selected value and carry on respectively.


The only way if found was to use a dropdown that retrieves all the Groups and then populates a checkboxlist with the users contained inside of the group selected in dropdowns.

I did not try to use the checkboxlist's checked values as the approvers in a workflow but i do think it would be easier than to use a text box.


Kind Regards

