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Composite smartobject in drop-down list


Hi, We have two SharePoint lists A and B with a ClientName field in list A and SupplierName field in list B. We can optionally have a ProjectNo field as a common field to both the lists if needed for our JOIN purposes. My requirement is to merge the ClientName and SupplierName fields into a single field (EntityName) and display in a drop-down list. I created a Composite SmartObject and tried different combinations, but the JOINed result set has the values in two separate fields. How can I merge them into a single field?



A smartbox was created that was populated with the desired values via a smartobject event in a simple process that was created. The smartbox was then in turn used as the data source for the list.

In regards to the read-only problem in which the contents was too dull a rule was generated that depicted the editability of the controls on the views based on certain criteria. This in turn allowed the contents to be viewed in the same manner as an enabled form.

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