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Now I don't understand what is going on here. I have a number field in SharePoint. In Nintex, I am simply using an If action to check that value to see if it is 0. If it is not, I run the actions in the If action. For this field, nothing is filled in in the SharePoint field. I do a Log History action, and it says it is 0. Why does it go through the If action anyway????? My If action is If not equal to 0.


Just a stupid question. Are you sure that the 0 displayed in the log is of type number.

Best regards,


The SharePoint field is of type number. The variable I set the field to is of type number. Initially I converted the number to a string in the workflow and did the comparison. When that didn't work I just compared the number. Neither seem to work. It doesn't make any sense.


Which action are you using Run If or Conditional Branch?

Best regards,


I really didn't make any changes. Something tells me I may have forgotten to save and publish it. I don't know. Thanks for your time Christophe.
