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Hi everyone,
I am trying to access the worklist using the below code:

SourceCode.K2ROM.Connection myConn = new SourceCode.K2ROM.Connection();
SourceCode.K2ROM.Worklist myWList;
myWList = myConn.OpenWorklist("ASP");

This works for all users except one. When I log in as a particular user, the application throws an error
'Communication error with server'
for SourceCode.K2ROM.Connection.Worklist.Open
This user has all the permissions on the process.
Please someone help me solve this ...
Is it a web app? Do you log in from one machine under different user names or have you logged in from different machines as different users and it only fails for the one user?

Any errors in K2Error.txt or ADUMError.txt?

Have you tried running Server in Console mode and see whether the request actually do get to

Ockert ,

Yes. It is a web app.
I have logged into the same machine using different userids. The code works for all users except one.

One thing that I have noted is that for this user sometimes I get
'Communication error with server'
and sometimes i get
'System.Exception: Exception of type System.OutOfMemoryException was thrown.'.

Also i checked the k2server.log file and found an entry for the 2nd error and not for the 1st.

It's scary that a specific userid can cause an 'OutOfMemory' exception.

What's the difference between this user and any other user in AD?
Maybe you can try to delete and recreate the user account.

I would recommend to open a formal support request on this issue.

Have you tried specifying the user credentials in the connection string to the connection.Open method?

Anything in the Eventlogs?

Has this been resolved? One reason I can think of that a specific user id can cause this error is that the server can't handle the number of workItems assigned to that user. I'm interested because I'm running into the same problems. I find if I limit the number of workItems I'm trying to fetch to around 1000 it tends to work. But 2000+ workItems in one requests seems a little much for the server.
Yes, you are right. The reason we got that error was because of the large number of worklist items assigned to the user. After we used WorklistCreteria to filter the worklist items, the error stopped occuring.

Also we should keep the worklist objects as small as possible by using
data on demand for any large data fields.

Is 'System.Exception: Exception of type System.OutOfMemoryException was thrown.' thrown from your K2 Service or your web form?

Does it bring down the entire K2 service workflow? (or just an error for this request?)

What was the memory consumption on Task Manager for K2 Service when the error occurred?

Since we plan to assign to a K2Admin for all activities of all processes that the user could recall (and we'll use K2Admin to call GotoActivity), the potential number of workitems in K2Admin will be large but we will be filtering it with some criteria.
we seem to be experiencing this same issue at the moment in one particular worklow process for one user.  What is odd is that his worklist is only around 10 items.  I thought at first that the .openWorklist("ASP") was retrieving all the worklist items for everyone...but it seems it grabs them for the current user.  I am not really sure what is happening but the symptoms are exactly the same as listed above.  I could add criteria i suppose but im not sure what i would even add since this person's worklist is only for this particular workflow process and there only appears to be 10 or so items.
