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Closing Iframe pop-up listitem


The error occurs when using case/cmf 2013 and K2 4.6.9.
When using an out of the box template which uses "CMF.CaseActions.ListView" which opens "CMF.CaseActionPopupIFrame.ListItem", the form that open's inside the action popup has a "Cancel" button, however it seems not possible to get "CMF.CaseActionPopupIFrame.ListItem" to close.

If you use the:
Close subform/subview rule - it closes the form inside "CMF.CaseActionPopupIFrame.ListItem" but not "CMF.CaseActionPopupIFrame.ListItem"
Close Browse window rule - it closes the form inside "CMF.CaseActionPopupIFrame.ListItem" but not "CMF.CaseActionPopupIFrame.ListItem"
Navigate to a url rule - if you navigate to the parent window it navigates inside the "CMF.CaseActionPopupIFrame.ListItem"
From the "CMF.CaseActionPopupIFrame.ListItem" using when a subform is closing rule - nothing happens as it doesnt reach that far.
Using Java script <script>window.close()</script> - nothing happens.



The suggested workaround for this is to add a "navigate to another form" action and navigate to the "CMF.Close.Action.Form" form. This should make the pop up window close.

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