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Hi all,

My working company is trying to move the exisitng production K2 server into another server in data centre. We clone the existing K2 Server, and re-run the installation wizard from the new server, and then pointing the DB server to the existing one(K2 and SQL are in 2 servers). But then under K2 service manager, I found 2 servers(old and new K2 Servers name) are listed after right click and selected Properties.

I can fire new workflow instance to the new K2 Server, but the log file in the new K2 server showing that the new submit is also trying to connect to the old K2 Server as well. Why this happen and how to clear it?

"694","2008-09-24 02:36:51","Error","General","4142","ClusterConnError","K2ClusterServer::CheckRunning","4142 Cluster Could Not Connect to OLD_K2_Server","fcfd13e9ebf64e56ac1dbf3a84c44e43",""

Thanks, I tried to delete the record of old server from _Server table, however the error is still occuring.
When K2 server is already cloned .. why did you reinstall K2.
