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Hello all,

I have an InfoPath process the shuffles a form around to many people.  They all are supposed to have different options as their task actions before they submit... which they do, however, whatever the last person used as their option when they submitted is still in the form when the next person gets it... even if that next person isn't supposed to have that option at all.

 Of course if they try to submit it without changing the option to one of the ones they're supposed to have, they get an error, and it won't let them submit.

 How can I make the action field reset completely before each user, and only have the options they're supposed to see (instead of the options they are supposed to see, plus whatever option the last person who had the form chose).

 I'm guessing I can use a simple server code event prior to the InfoPath event to change the XML, I think I've seen it mentioned before... but I can't find the reference to it I remember.

 Plus, I'm not really familiar with C sharp or workflow programming so I'm really hoping to figure out something really simple... it seems like a requirement a lot of people would have.

Thanks in advance.

How about this?  Add an open rule to the InfoPath form that clears out the action field whenever it is opened.  No code needed.
Right... Der.
