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Customer develops a Web Application using OWIN forms authentication that will integrate with K2. The application will throw the following error when try to execute
"Claims token xml is empty" error.



The reason that the open connection is failing is because the user in this case is a Claims user which K2 does not aware of the Claims Provider.


Using the following connection string, the customer was able to connect to K2 successfully:

public bool StartNewProcess(string processName, string userName, IEnumerable dataFields)
ProcessInstance instance
using (_impersonationContextFactory.CreateImpersonationContextForK2())
using (var k2Conn = new Connection())
SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.SCConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.SCConnectionStringBuilder()
builder.Authenticate = true
builder.Host = _configurationProvider.K2Server
builder.Port = 5252 //use port 5252 for SourceCode.Workflow.Client connections
builder.Integrated = false
builder.IsPrimaryLogin = true
builder.SecurityLabelName = "K2"
builder.UserID = "DOMAINUSER"
builder.Password = "xxxxxx"
builder.WindowsDomain = "DOMAIN"
k2Conn.Open(_configurationProvider.K2Server, builder.ConnectionString)
instance = k2Conn.CreateProcessInstance(processName)
if (dataFields != null andand dataFields.Any())
dataFields.ToList().ForEach(field => ApplyDataField(field, instance))
return true


If you can derive the user's UPN (user principal name) from the auth. token or elsewhere then you can set the thread's CurrentPrincipal which will give K2 the identity it is expecting.

System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal = new System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal(new System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettingsS"K2DefaultUserUPN"]));

