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Anyone got this situtation where there is a requirement to check or uncheck all checkbox in a checkboxlist?


I managed to create a button with rules to uncheck everything in a checkboxlist but i could not find a solution to check all.


Please help!




If the values are known then you can use the transfer data rule.


So if you checkbox list cntains





You would do transfer data rule and in the checkbox filed there just type A;B;C


I found an older post that seems to address your problem, I hope this helps!

I had seem that solution but it seem to used for static data only as you are transfering fix value.


If I am using dynamic checkboxlist, how do i transfer the data?

Do i transfer as a string?




If the list is dynaimc then, I can only see one way of handling this. create a seperate method that return a list of dynamic cheklist items that you are showing which are semi colon delimited. And then you can just point the outut of that method to the checkbox list. That will solve your issue.


Hope that helps.

Hi Chong,


Since you require to transfer the data as a string please confirm where you want to transfer the data to (view,subview,etc.) and into which control (textbox,checkboxlist,etc.)?


If possible provide us with the step by step you used to accomplich unchecking of everything in a checkboxlist, as this could help us alot in finding a was to do the opposite unchecking.


Kind Regards,


Thanks everyone for your advices.


I had managed to check and uncheck all for a CheckBoxList based on the following steps



1) Create a Smartobject to return a table with 2 columns to generate the checkboxlist (First column for view, second column for value)

2) Create a Smartobject to return the same values of the the above Smartobject in a string format with ; delimiter

3) Create a View to generate the checkboxlist based on the Smartobject in step 1

4) Create a checkbox in the same view as step 3

5) Create a rule when checbox in step 4 is checked to populate the smartobject string from step2 into the checkboxlist from step 3 (Check all)

6) Create a rule when checbox in step 4 is not checked to transfer blank  into the checkboxlist from step 3 (uncheck all)


Hope this help anyone who has the same case as mine



