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Can ANyone please help me to make K2Checkboxlist work with XML fields.

I created a XML field with few elements and which are set to boolean.

Now in my smart form i had a checkboxlist which had the same list as the elements of the xml field. The XMl field was set up as the datafield of the checkboxlist.

So when a user selects some options in the checkbox list, those options in xml field should be set to true.

Can anyone give me suggestion how to do this.

When binding an XML field to a k2 Checklist box, the values stored in the field are the selected items from the list, not the list elements.

So, if you bind a listbox to an xml datafield, the xml will have a structure similar to this:

when the listbox is bound to this field, the selected values will be recorded. On subsequent pages, the items corresponding to these values will be selected. The <item> element will be repeated in the xml field for each item selected.

The XML schema isn't used to popluate the listbox, this must be done in the smartform itself.
