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I am using a SharePoint 2010 form. I have a checkbox value. I am trying to check what the value of that checkbox is in 2010 Nintex workflow. However, it only allows me to check for yes/no when the actual values are returning true/false. How do I handle this? It doesn't appear to be going into my If action. Ughhhhh!

Is this an Item Property? Can you show a screen shot. Sounds normal to have If Checkbox Equals Yes

Yes, it is a field on the SharePoint form. I would've thought this was straight forward and simple. It has the property of Yes/No. But when you go in to use the IF action, it makes you check for Yes/No as expected even though the values are returning True/False. You don't have the option to check for True/False. There isn't even a Boolean type if I wanted to create a workflow variable.


So if yes, it goes down the True branch of the If condition. Does this not work for you? Can you put a log to history on each side and see what it's doing?

So if I select Yes in SharePoint, it returns True in the workflow instead of Yes and doesn't go into the IF action.

Have you actually run a test to confirm it doesn't work? Because I'm sure it will. Workflow knows what values are available for the column and displays them.

Oh this is a run if, Can you do this in a Set A Condition action, see if you get better results there first.

Yes I did and it didn't work.

Yesterday I just went ahead and changed the data type of the field from a Yes/No to a Choice because I had to hurry and get the solution out. I made the choices Yes/No. Then I was able to keep the Run If and have it work.

Yes, this would work in a 'Set A Condition' action. I didn't even think of that. I guess I'm thinking in programming terms. It still doesn't make sense why that Run If doesn't work. Is it a bug or what?

No - the value comes back true/false and it still is showing options for yes/no. It is going in my 'No' block because it is true not yes.

This isn't normal, i'll see if I can test it

And now if you have time, and before I can test a 2010 setup, can you switch the run if to "If anything equals" then do a list lookup to the current item, same fields, and then test against the value. Does it still force a YesNo drop down?

What build # of Nintex Workflow do you have on SharePoint 2010?  By any chance, was your Run If action within a User Defined Action (UDA)?

In my experience, the Run If action has always handled this scenario properly.  You are correct that the underlying value of the Yes/No field resolves to "True" when "Yes" is selected.  But even though the Run If configuration displays values of Yes / No in the drop down list these values are evaluated as True / False at runtime.

Anyway, I noticed in the Nintex Workflow 2010 - Release Notes  that there was a bug that was resolved in Nintex WF 2.4.3 ("Corrected the evaluation of parameters in the "Run If" and "Set a Condition" actions when included in a UDA"), so if this is within a UDA and your Nintex WF version is prior to 2.4.3, perhaps an update would fix this.

I am not using a UDA.

I am using Nintex Workflow

So I got a 2010 farm spun up and tested. Here are my results.

1. Create a custom list

2. Create a column that is type Yes/No

3. Create test workflow



This list item i'm running the workflow on:



It Ran the run if as expected


And My message was in the history!


So it doesn't appear to be an issue with the Run If action. And this was on a 2010, workflow version. Did I follow your steps the same way as you did? I would love to figure out what is causing a difference for you.

And when I flip the checkbox to NO, it skips the log in history action.


The Run If didn't work for me. But I went back and retried the Set A Condition and that worked. Thanks!

Hi Andrew Glasser,

I am new to nintex workflow I am trying to check the checkbox value is checked or  not if its checked then I need to send mail.

please help me to achieve this

How you tried the Set a Condition action to test the value? Then if Yes, add a Send Notification action in that branch.
