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I am getting an error on one of my forms that I need to edit and I am getting an error that show it can't be found.

I also have an issue with all of my secondary list items showing up on new item form but I am unsure how I did that. By default it should be blank.

I also have an error with my edit list form within a workflow worklist context, it works perfectly if I edit this list without the workflow, but for whatever reason, while in workflow context, it says I have an ID error with a secondary list view on the form.


1. Opening a view in designer resulted in a "SmartObject could not be found" error and the view is not editable.
2. All items in a SmartObject being returned in a 'Get List Items' method call.
3. When opening a User Task URL the associated form would not load any data, but would when opened from the SharePoint list item link.


1. SharePoint list column was deleted and SmartObjects were regenerated but not forms or views. A view had a field that was still referencing the old SmartObject which was deleted in regeneration. The "regenerate forms and views" would hang and never complete, so we removed the view from its parent form and created one from scratch.
2. The ID value that was being passed in was null, thus it was returning the results from a blank 'Get List Items' method call.
3. The 'ID' parameter being used to load data was not named 'ID' but 'ItemID'. The User Task URL passes in data for 'ID' only.

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