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Hi, I've come across (what I think) is an issue.  At the least, an annoyance.


Lets say I have an activity named "My Activity" that is actioned in a Form.  There are form rules that essentially say the following:


  1. When form is initalized open My Activity, get the actions, and put them in a drop down list on the form.  mThis rule happens automatically the first time I create a smart form event in the process. However it is not auto updated upon subsequent chanages to the activity name]
  2. On button submit, action My Activity with one of the actions selected from the drop down list.


Simple enough.  The issue arrises if I have to change the name My Activity to something else.  I then need to go back into each form that uses this activty and reselect the new activty name.  This becomes very tedious as we have somewhat complex forms, and business users tend to change their minds quite often. 


My questions is I'm wondering if there's some magic "sync" button that will propagate the change made to the process activity to the form rules.  I'm also open to any other suggestions.


Thanks in advance for the help.

Hi SethYukna


This is expected behaviour, and unfortunately there is no magic "synch" button. Only advice I can give you is to change the name of an activity only if you really have to, and then be prepared to do a lot of tidy up work afterwards


Hopefully K2 will fix this in future, it does seem a bit silly to bind form rules to activities by name when everything else in K2 uses ID/Guids.
