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I have a requirement for changing AD account passwords in a K2 workflow.

Is it achievable using the Active Directory Event? Just guessing, if that event can be used, would be using the "Update a User" option the correct way?

Thanks in advance.

There is a property for password in the in the Update a user section of the activie directory wizard.  Out of the box i think this is your only option, unless you want to break out some code. 

Anyone out there there used this particular property? Done something different?

Hi chrisg,

Really appreciate your reply.

I tried to create a workflow for changing AD user passwords. Just like what you mentioned, I passed in a new password for that purpose but the password was not changed when I executed the process.

To make sure the event is working, I have tried updating other properties like names etc, and they were updated properly in AD. Now I am not sure if there is any issue with our K2 configuration or the AD policy.

Hope there's someone who have done this before can share with us how it can be done. Thanks!

This is a known issue, where AD User smartobject does not change password when executing the update method. The issue will be fixed on a future release of the product.

Hi phung02,

Thanks for the info. Will wait for the good news in future :)

Does anyone know whether this issue was fixed, and did the functionality carry over into K2 Five?
