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I am running a simple Nintex 2013 WF. However, I am using Change State action in Switch action (screen below).  In below screen, nintex has approached the Change State but it takes 4-5 min. to actually executes State 2. This happens every time for State 3, State 4 and so on. Why this happens?



Nintex puts the workflow-execution into batches. After a State (imho "Batch") ist done, Nintex puts the workflow to sleep until the SharePoint Workflow Timer picks up the next batch (imho). The SharePoint Workflow Timer runs every 5 Minutes (default).

I think you can speed it up by the option "Enforce Safe Looping == False" (CA) or by reducing the above mentioned SharePoint Workflow Timer-value.

BUT: I would never touch this two options in a production environment alert.png



Thanks Kai for your time. Touching Safe Looping is not recommended solution in my environment as such. Since, it will impact other application WF as well. Finally, I have changed the State Machine to Sequential which is suitable for my application.

- Chintan
