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In 4.6.8 the file attachment control was used and would save a file to a very precise location, this however changed with the advent of 4.6.10 and as such files saved via the control were no longer as readily accessible. 






Before 4.6.10…
A file would get uploaded to a file share on the SmartForms machine and this allowed for ready implementation of moving the file as the attachment XML held the path of the file on disk. This way of doing things however broke down in multi-server environments as the file only existed on the server in which the upload had occurred.

4.6.10 and beyond…
The file no longer gets saved to disk. Instead it is saved as binary in Isolated Storage. If you do not use the out of the box options to save the file in SQL directly from the SmartForm, you will have to implement your own file broker to get the binary and stream the file to the location you want it. This has to happen within the context of the SmartForm because you will not be able to determine where the file attachment is located at a later time because it lives in Isolated Storage.








1.) You can use a SmartBox SmartObject to save the file into a SQL table and grab the file from there later.


2.) You can create a custom service broker to fetch the file out of binary and stream it to your desired location.





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