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How can I change cinformation ok / canel to yes / no



As per my understanding this is Pre-defined K2 Action so we cannot modify the confirmation message. if you want custom confirmation message then you can add custome code for confirmation box.





Dear ,


in case no one else answered , ill share my thoughts .

its been a while since ive done that , but i believe one of these 2 solutions should help u .

first one is the set language control  , u could use it to change the dialog button names .

check it out .


second one is the resoure files in k2 blackpearl bin folder as i remember , or the folder is called global resources .

from there , open all of the files in notepad++ , and search for "ok" , u will find the ok button name there .


Hope it helps!


Hi Ahmad,


Thanks for Sharing such Important Information. i am not aware of this functionality, it will be very helpful for UI Design







Im not wrong the resource file is "Message.resx" available inside the App_GlobalResources folder and be assured that changes reflectes globally. If you want this to be only for a specific form then i can think of three options here and you can have opt them as per your requirements;


1) If you are okay with uinsg Browse to Message form, then i would think of building my own confirmation form and render upon action.

2) in the first option, Message renders on the same tab and if you dont want this to be happened and still you want the message box, then build a form with Yes/No buttons and call open subform rule and upon opening the subform make sure the parent form is disabled to makesure no further action on parent form.

3) If you dont want any hassle and you are a jQUery lover, then inject a query to change the message value from OK to Yes and Cancel to No.



Hope it helps!



