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Dear All,


I am wondering if it could be possible to achieve the following in the K2 SmartForm. I have this feature working perfectly in ASP.NET page using ajax.


We have VendorID, VendorName, and VendorAddress Street,City,State,Zip), VendorTerms fields pulling from Microsoft Dynamics GP Database Table, I guess its GL00100.

We have a View for Vendor Info with the following controls:


VendorID - AutoComplete Control

VendorName - AutoComplete Control

VendorAddress (Street,City,State,ZIP concatenated) - multiLine Textbox Control (Read Only)

Vendor Terms - Textbox (Read Only)


Case A- When a user type some Initial Values like 'Mi' , it should show all VendorID starting from Mi like Microsoft,Micros etc.

When a user select 'Microsoft' from the AutoComplete Control, then it should show the Vendor Name in the VendorName Autocomplete control and VendorAddress and VendorTerms in the respective Textbox controls.


Case B- Now if user prefer to Select the VendorName instead of VendorID, the same functionality should be able to pull other values like VendorID,VendorAddress and Vendor Terms.


The whole idea is to give user choice to select either VendorID or VendorName under AutoComplete Control and its not exactly cascading autocomplete control too as there will be only one vendorID for VendorName.


Is there a way out to handle this situation ? Thank you.



If I understood you right, I believe you can do if you add the following rule:


When VendorID AutoComplete is changed

Transfer data


execute list method and add filter then return the values to the other controls


add the same rule on the other auto complete control.


Have a look at the attached video, please let me know if I got you wrong.



Thank you Mustafa,

That's great. I will give it a try.
