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Hi All,


I am have a process that captures task history after each step into a sql database.  this is done based on the user assigned to the task. but sometime susers delegate and redirect tasks( IE out of office..)


Users use email smart actions or workflist smart actions mostly.


is there a way to capture who action-ed the task in the workflow  without opening the form ?


I looked for the serial number in the workflow but couldn't find it. I also tried a list lookup into the activity instance destination smart object with username, process instance and the name of the task but that is a hit and miss, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't (mostly doesn't) .


I am using K2 designer for this process. 




From what I know, you can use the list method of the “Activity Instance Destionation” smartobject and filter on the known values. In the smartobject input mapping, if you set the ‘Status’ to the text ‘Completed’, this will return the final user who actioned on the task. The original user will have the status of ‘Expired’. The 'final action' field will also be set to 'Approve' for the user who approved the task.



Thanks for the reply!


I tried that, but it is spotty, it worked few times but it didn't the next time the process ran, same name, same input.


is this the only thing that can be used OOB without code? or using a store procedure that you know of?

Get the same issue. It looks like active instance destination smartobject select data from K2 log schema in DB. So, sometime data in this schema save async and smartobject return 0 rows. But if you execute this method again with delay - it works.

So we make some looping and execute SO with delay. Its bad solution, but we cant find different.

You can ask k2 support how to deal with this problem.

Thanks  @Nagorskiy,


I did that and it seems to be working ok, Delaying the lookup helps.


Have you tried this with a multple user step? as in the task is assigned to multiple users and maybe one or 2 redirect the task. have you found out a way to capture the person who actioned the redirected task for multiple users?


Thanks for the help. 
